Sablon adalah teknik mencetak dalam berbagai media seperti kaos, plastik, kertas, kaca, kayu dan sebagainya dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa show masks masks sablon (atau sering juga disebut movie sablon). Kegiatan menyablon sekilas tampak mudah dan sederhana, pada prakteknya menyablon membutuhkan kemampuan khusus untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berkualitas.
Keunggulan dari teknik sablon adalah :
1.Bisa mencetak dengan jumlah yang banyak
2.Hasil relatif stabil
3.Menghasilkan beberapa efek menarik, mis : glitters, glow at heart of the night, timbul, mengkilap/metalik, dsb.
4.Biaya cetak cukup terjangkau
5.Fleksibel bisa di aneka jenis permukaan bahan.
Show masks printing is a printing technique in a form of media fair like t-shirts, plastic, paper, glass, wood and many others by the spend of instruments fair like show masks masks printing displays (or assuredly also steadily called show masks masks printing movies). Show masks printing actions at a look seem easy and uncomplicated, in practice show masks masks printing requires special abilities to rep nice outcomes.
The benefits of the show masks masks printing technique are:
1. Can print in broad portions
2. Outcomes are moderately stable
3. Construct some attention-grabbing effects, eg glitters, glow at heart of the night, embossed, shining / metal, and many others.
4. Printing prices are moderately practical
5. Versatile could most likely also be on a form of forms of fabric surfaces.